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3S Class Assembly - 27 March at 2.50pm in Pope Francis Hall (parents welcome)

Welcome to St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Hendon

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a vibrant and historic part of the neighbourhood of Hendon in North West London. Founded in 1882 initially as a boarding school, the school has survived two World Wars and gone from strength to strength. We work to give our children the best possible education in the fullest sense of the word – academically, spiritually and emotionally.

The gospel principles of loving your neighbour, of compassion and of justice permeate all aspects of our school life. We are a friendly and outward-looking school community, welcoming families from all parts of the world. We are proud of our success in academic exams and achievements on the sports field, and we also have good links with local, national and international charities and organizations.

Please take time to browse our website to find out more about the school and the fantastic activities we are involved in.



Please click the link below to view our school's Policies




Please click the link below to view our school's Curriculum Statement. 



Starting at St Joseph's

Please click below to find more information on getting started at St Joseph's

Latest News & Information

Barnet Council and Khulisa are delivering a Parenting Programme to schools and organisations in Barnet where we can train and equip parents to become Parent Champions in their communities, support others and develop themselves with exciting training opportunities. It is okay to join the Parent Champion Webinars if the first one was missed. 😃

 6th February  Structure and Nurture / 20th February Managing Challenges / 27th February- Skills to become Parent Champions /
Lunchtime sessions @ 12.30pm – 2pm OR Evening sessions@ 7pm  – 8.30pm

You can find the zoom links for each session here

Barnet’s first FREE Healthy Beginnings Roadshow is in Grahame Park on the 7th February, 1.30-5.00

Barnet’s first ever Healthy Beginnings Roadshow will offer an afternoon of fun and support for families with children aged 8 or under.

When and where: Tuesday 7 February at The Old Library, The Concourse, Grahame Park NW9 5XA, 1:30pm – 5pm (Free entry, no booking required).

Parents, carers and their children are encouraged to pop by and get to know more about the support and local services available in Barnet, to give their families the best start in life.

The afternoon will include:

  • fun activities for the whole family
  • information about local health and wellbeing services and support available
  • opportunity to meet experienced health, early help and community services professionals to talk to and ask questions
  • support with the rise in cost of living

This is the first in a series of free roadshows that will be taking place across the borough, each tailored to the local area.

Find out more or contact earlyyears@barnet.gov.uk to get involved.

SEN, Inclusion & Other Information

School News Feed
  • Event
    20 March 2025
    CAKE SALE - ALL YEARS - 28th March 3.00-3.30pm
    Dear Parents & Carers, Please see attached poster from the Friends with details of the Cake Sale to be held on Friday 28th March from 3.00-3.00pm. 2nd Hand School uniform will also be available to purchase on the day. Kind regards.
  • General
    19 March 2025
    Wednesday Word w/c 19/03/2025
    Dear Parents & Carers, Please find attached the Wednesday Word for this week. We hope you enjoy reading through it with your children. School Office
  • Newsletter
    14 March 2025
    ISSUE #14 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 14.03.2025
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please see the latest weekly newsletter attached. You will find information such as clubs, events, dates for your diary and much more. Please let us know if you have any comments or if your child has done something special you would like to share. Wishing you a lovely week-end. Kind regards, Mrs Ricketts
  • General
    14 March 2025
    Language Enrichment Training Programme for Parents/Carers
    Dear Parents/Carers, Barnet Education and Learning Service (BELS) are re-running our highly successful and free Language Enrichment Programme training course for parent/carers of Early Years and Primary/Secondary aged children and young people in the Summer Term. Full information and dates/times in the attached flyer. The sessions are being run by BELS in conjunction with Wave SLT and are delivered via Zoom both mornings and evenings. I would like to flag up this exciting opportunity to all of our parents/carers. It is a practical 3 session course for parent/carers who want advice on supporting their child’s speech, language, and communication. The parent/carers who have attended previously have found the sessions very helpful and interesting- both listening to the speech therapist present the training and sharing ideas with other parent/carers. Dates of sessions – May 6th, May 20th, June 17th, (evaluation on July 1st) More information about the training and details on how parents/carers can register are in the flyer attached. Kind regards, Jodie Connolly SENCo
  • General
    13 March 2025
    BACE & Positive Activities Eligibility Criteria Support
    Dear Parents/Carers, Subject: Supporting parents to understand the eligibility criteria for both BACE and Positive Activities If your child(ren) has been issued a 16 digit-voucher code for BACE activities, there is NO COST to parents to access the BACE programmes advertised on BarnetYouth.uk as these are funded by the Department for Education. If your child has not been issued a code, you can still access activities through Positive Activities (PA). ALL children living and schooling in Barnet are eligible for a PA funded space. When booking on the PA programme via Barnetyouth.uk parents will note there is no code required and there is also NO COST as this is funded by the London Borough of Barnet Early Help Team. So, win, win. Please note there are some parents who will have children that are eligible and receive a code and siblings who are not, this is the reason why: The voucher codes are NOT automatically issued to children on EHCP plans if their parents do not qualify or are not in receipt of one the above benefits. Codes will only be issued to those who do not receive these benefits and do not receive universal tax credits if the schools/practitioners have identified particularly vulnerable families. There is only a 15% allowance for across the borough for children classified as vulnerable, this may include but is not limited to children across the following: those who are grieving, family conflict, know to early help services, refugee or asylum seeking families, etc. We encourage families who do not receive voucher codes and have access to universal tax credits to book on to programmes who are Ofsted registered and apply to claim funds back as per GOV.UK. Parents must remember the code is specifically for those who are on low incomes, and their income status required to access a code via your child’s school. The following pupils will be protected against losing their free school meals as follows: • Since 1 April 2018, all existing free school meals claimants have continued to receive free school meals whilst Universal Credit is rolled out. This applies even if their earnings rise above the threshold during that time. • In addition, any pupil gaining eligibility for free school meals after 1 April 2018 will be protected against losing free school meals until March 2025. • After March 2025, any existing claimants that no longer meet the eligibility criteria at that point (because they are earning above the threshold or are no longer a recipient of Universal Credit) will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education (i.e. primary or secondary) If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to BACE please contact me direct or @BACEHolidays if it relates to Positive Activities (PA) please contact @Reid, Jason (LBB) or @byes@barnetyouth.uk Many thanks, Charlene Townsend (she/her) BACE Early Help Services London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, London NW9 4EW Work number: 020 8359 6225
  • General
    10 March 2025
    Spring BACE 2025 Holiday Camps & Barnet Youth Digital Booklet
    Dear Parents & Carers, Please see attached Spring BACE 2025 Holiday Camps & Barnet Youth Digital Booklet containing information for families who can access activities across the borough which is accessible to ALL children living and attending School in Barnet. Kind regards.
  • Event
    7 March 2025
    Positive Activities Holiday programme during Easter Holiday
    Dear Parents/Carers, We would like to inform you of the Positive Activities Holiday programme eligible for all children living or attending school in the London Borough of Barnet. Positive Activities will provide a series activities for all ages, over the 2 weeks Easter holiday. (Lunch is not provided). The activities must be booked via Barnet Youth – Child and Family Early Help Service - Positive Activities - Positive Activities. The bookings will go live, today, 7th March 2025. Many thanks, Jodie Connolly SENCo
  • General
    14 February 2025
    AJ's After School Club. AJ's is pleased to announce extension of After School Club hours to 6pm, from close of school. Should you wish to use AJ's, pop in to the dining hall anytime after 3.20pm, or call Brendan on 07970 883973 to register and make a booking. Please note, AJ's provides snacks for the children at 4.30pm. Come along and have a chat to find out more of what AJ's does. AJ’s is an Ofsted registered organisation, accepting Childcare Vouchers, Student Finance support payments and are able to verify Childcare Tax Credit and Universal Credit applications. Message sent on behalf of AJ's After School Club. Kind regards.
  • General
    6 January 2025
    New Stay & Play for Dad & Male Carers
    Dear Parents & Carers, Please see attached for a new, free Saturday Dads & Male Carers Stay & Play opportunity in Grahame Park, which will be taking place monthly. Kind regards Ms J. Connolly SENCo
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