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Maths at St Joseph's

Supporting at home - Early Years and KS1

Supporting at home - KS2

At St Joseph’s, we aim to teach our pupils about the importance of maths in every-day life. Our lessons focus on ‘Preparing all pupils for all futures.’ Therefore, it is so important that our pupils understand how maths is linked to our lives in and out of school. It would be great if you could talk to your child about the maths they are seeing each day.

For example:

- cooking
- going to the shops
- distances they are walking/driving

For some of our older pupils these conversations can also be had through discussing careers and jobs which maths is involved in.

For example:

  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Vet
  • Builder
  • Chef

Maths websites: (As always when using the internet, please ensue your child is supervised)







https://ttrockstars.com (Log in provided by school for Years 2-6)

There are a wide range of games below. It is important that you pick ones suitable for your child.

Games to play with your children:

Guess my Number

One person thinks of a number and gives clues to the other person about their number e.g. ‘my number is a square number’, ‘my number is a multiple of 4’ or ‘my number is in the 6 times tables and is larger than 30’.

Roll the Dice

  • Roll two dice and multiply the numbers together. You could use any operation for this game.
  • Play in pairs. Make up a target number, each roll a dice and add (subtract, multiply or divide) the numbers. The first person to get to the target number wins.


Pretend you have e.g. £20 to spend, what could you buy? Look in the shops/on the internet. If you child has pocket money, encourage them to spend/save their own money, using their maths along the way.


Look at catalogues and find out what prices would be if there was a 10% or 15% sale. Now work out what the prices would be if they went up by 10%.

Maths Surprise Alarm

One person sets a timer (e.g. kitchen timer) and both people have to think of as many ways to make a target number e.g. 62. The person to think of the most ways wins. Again, either decide on an operation (+- x÷) to use or use all four.

Beat the Calculator

The aim of the game is to get quicker at times tables. You need a pack of playing cards with the picture cards removed and a calculator. Decide who is going to be the first person to use the calculator. Shuffle the cards and turn over the top two. The person with the calculator has to work out the answer using the calculator by multiplying. The other person multiplies the two numbers mentally. Whoever is first wins a point.

I spy

Assign different shapes different points (e.g. squares score 2 points and hexagons score 10). As you spy the shapes, add up your scores, the first person to 20 wins. You could play this in the car, on holiday, at home (shapes are everywhere!). This game can be played with 3D shapes.

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