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St. Joseph’s continues to treat safeguarding as a high priority to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all children, staff and visitors is given due consideration. We have a variety of systems in place a list of which you can find at the bottom of this document.

The Single Central Record (SCR) is a document maintained by the school to demonstrate that staff have undergone appropriate recruitment and police checks. The SCR is updated as and when new staff are recruited and when they leave their service at St Joseph’s. Governors, volunteers and regular visitors to the school are also recorded on the SCR.

Visitors to the school are required to sign in at the main reception area and are issued with a Visitor’s badge and Safeguarding information leaflet. Visitors who do not have appropriate DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) clearance will not have sole access to children.

All staff are aware that they may see the DSO (Designated Safeguarding Officer) to discuss any concerns regarding Child Protection/Safeguarding even if the issue seems ‘low level’. Where there is information causing sufficient concern, the matter is discussed between the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and DSO to decide if other agencies such as Social Services should be informed of the matter. Where appropriate, parents are informed if the school decides to make a referral to Social Care. In line with their procedures, Social Care may instruct the school that parents should not be informed in particular cases. The school follows Social Care advice with regards to referrals and information sharing.

Child Protection training is provided regularly for existing staff and forms part of the induction process for all newly appointed staff. The DSO attends termly briefings and forums organised by the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to receive up to date information about child protection and safeguarding.

Please click here to view the Barnet’s Multi Agency Escalation Policy.

In addition to these procedures we have several additional systems in place to ensure our children’s safety:

A secure manned entry system with intercom for out of office times

The main car park gate is closed between 8am and 4.30pm.

The side gate is only open at drop off and collection time

All staff and Governors are issued with photo identity lanyards

Supply teachers and other adults working with children must read and agree to the Safeguarding Visitors
Compliancy Leaflet on entry to the school

Extra-curricular clubs must provide the school with qualification certification and CRB/DBS

Staff, governors, parents and children sign an Acceptable Internet Use Agreement

Dr J. Lane , Executive Headteacher,  is the Safeguarding Leader

Ms Z. Keating, Ms G. Sheridan, Ms E Y Yogaratnam and Ms J Connolly are the Deputy Safeguarding Leaders.

Mr B. Dorman is the designated Safeguarding Governor

Mr S. Koutis is the school’s E-Safety Teacher

E-Safety meetings are offered to all parents annually.

E-Safety and children’s personal safety is integral to our curriculum and is covered through lessons, workshops
and assemblies across the year

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