Please click here to find out more about the life of St Catherine Kasper, The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ and the history of our school.
St Catherine Kasper
‘Dear Lord, help me to be humble like St Catherine. Amen’ (Year 2 child)
The Foundress of the Congregation of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, St Catherine Kasper, is also the Foundress of our school. She was canonised on 14th October 2018 and her Feast Day is on 2nd February.
Sister Anthony, Sister Alphonsus and Sister Maria of the Congregation of The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ continue St Catherine's legacy, both through their prayers and practical support.
Our school’s week long celebration of the canonisation was recorded in a commemorative book, which was presented to the Mother General of the Congregation. The school has a copy, which our families are welcome to view. Please ask in the school office.