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Head's Welcome

Our school

Our mission

To accomplish these aims, we strive to follow the guidance of St Joseph himself whose hard work, love and care made him the perfect step-father and teacher for our Lord Jesus Christ. This motivates everyone at the school to be the best that we can be and this is reflected in our vision statement;

“At St Joseph’s we strive for excellence in the development of the whole child and for a community in which everyone’s well-being is valued – academically, spiritually, emotionally, morally. We aim to make a better world by ensuring our children gain the skills they need to be successful at secondary school and to lead a fulfilled life.”

Our values

Underpinning everything we do are our values – the core principles which drive our behaviours at all times. It is our strong belief that pupils who are aspirational, respectful, resilient, creative, community members will be successful in anything they choose to do. Not only will you see our values prominently displayed throughout our school, but you will notice how the values shine through in the behaviour of our pupils. We also ensure our pupils understand the wider ‘British values’ – these are democracy, the rule of law, liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. These British values link very closely to our school values and they are promoted through all elements of the school curriculum, systems and processes.






Dr James Lane
Executive Headteacher

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