School Improvement Fund
School Building Fund
Catholic schools are funded differently to other schools. Unfortunately we cannot access money for building works unless we raise money to partially ‘match fund’ the money we are given – that is why every Catholic school asks for parental donations. You will have noticed the significant improvements we have made to the school buildings and grounds over the last year. These improvements have been made possible by the donations parents have made to the ‘school building fund’.
For the coming year we have made a bid of £150,000 to repair water damage from our leaky roof and to redecorate six of our classrooms. This work is desperately needed. To access this amount, we need to raise £15,000 from parents this year.
Our Ask
We are now asking each family to contribute an annual sum of £40 per child (with a maximum of £100 per family e.g. 3 children or more only £100). However, please give whatever you feel you can afford.
Ways to Pay
Our preferred method for receiving donations is via standing order. Please return the standing order form with your completed welcome documents.
If you would like to make a one-off annual donation, or manage your own instalments, this can be done via the online portal at or via cheque payable to ‘St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.’ The signed cheque can be returned by hand to the school office.
If you are a UK tax payer, we can also benefit from Gift Aid donations which enable us to claim back an additional 25p for each £1 donation you make from the HMRC at no extra cost to you. Please complete the Gift Aid form.
Thank You
It is our aim to provide your child with the best possible education in the best possible environment; this can only be achieved by virtue of parents’ generosity and commitment. The Governors are committed to ensuring that your child and future generations of Catholics in the local area continue to benefit from being educated in such a wonderful school.
We would like to thank all parents in anticipation of your generosity and we look forward to welcoming you and your family to St Joseph’s.
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